Workers Comp Expected to Keep Falling in Oregon

Oregon to see rates decline

  • Oregon employers will on average, pay $0.90 per $100 of payroll for workers’ compensation costs in 2024, down from $0.93 in 2023, according to the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services.
  • The pure premium rate will also drop by an average of 6.7% in 2024, under a DCBS proposal.
  • The decline in costs marks 11 years of average decreases in the pure premium rate and means Oregon has the 10th-lowest premiums in the country, according to DCBS data.
  • The decrease in workers’ compensation rates follows a larger trend throughout the country.
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NYC crossing guards absorbing more injuries

  • A workers’ comp claims and crash report show that drivers have struck and injured 73 school crossing guards from 2012 to 2022. in New York City.
  • The count does not include guards hurt on the job when they were not on foot.
  • Drivers broke the bones of at least seven guards and knocked two guards unconscious.
  • Police charged fewer than one-third of the drivers who struck and injured guards and nearly all those charges were minor traffic violations.
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OSHA on the scene after explosion

  • OSHA opened an investigation with the Archer Daniels Midland Company following an explosion.
  • The explosion happened at the East Plant at ADM’s processing complex in Decatur, Illinois that sent smoke billowing into the air and shook neighboring homes.
  • Eight people were injured in the blast, and the cause of the explosion has not yet been determined.
  • The East plant produces soybean oil and white flake for soybean protein production and is inoperative.
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White House looking at mine safety rule

  • The White House is reviewing a final rule that could help prevent miners from getting struck by trucks and other vehicles at mines.
  • The rule from the US Mine Safety and Health Administration would require mine operators to establish a written safety program for mobile equipment, trucks, and other powered haulage equipment used at surface mines and outdoor areas of underground mines.
  • The review by the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs allows industry and worker groups to weigh in before the final rule is issued.
  • No date has been set for the rule to be finalized.
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