About Work Comp Advisor
WorkComp Advisor began its excellent coverage of workers’ compensation more than 30 years ago. You’ll find there’s no substitute for our “tribal knowledge” and extensive contacts for digging out the news and information you need to stay in business.
If you need to have today’s events put into the proper context and “translated” when necessary, WorkComp Advisor is for you.
This daily newsletter gives you all the information on the new laws, rules, regulations, requirements and decisions FIRST! Workers’ compensation is our beat – our only beat!
WorkComp Advisor briefs you on important developments, the latest regulations, and litigation in California affecting its workers and employers.
Providence Publications also publishes Workers’ Comp Executive, Cal-OSHA Reporter, Compline, and other highly regarded publications and databases.
Contact Us
By Snail Mail:
Post Office Box 7997
Greenwood, IN 46142-6429
By Phone: 916-774-4000