Workforce Shortages Seen Boosting Claims


Safety National Exec Outlines 6 WC Trends for 2025

  • Among the slew of industry prognostications and trend-spotting that surface at the start of the new year, Safety National’s VP of Client Engagement, Mark Walls, is out with a concise half-dozen to look for.
  • Among the six, Walls advises to keep an eye on rising levels of claims stemming from workforce shortages, as “studies show that high rates of overtime and absenteeism in a workforce can lead to increased claim frequency, which is likely associated with fatigue and over-exertion.”
  • He also cautioned that recently enacted state WC inclusion of mental health claims where no physical injury is involved “will take years to understand their full impact on increasing costs.”


Ohio BWC Opens Registration for Safety Congress & Expo

  • Registration has opened for April’s Ohio Safety Congress & Expo hosted by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC).
  • The free work-safety conference is one of the country’s largest and offers continuing education credits for safety and health professionals across seven educational tracks.
  • There will also be an exhibition area featuring more than 300 companies.


One Call Names Nick Mendez as New CEO

  • WC services provider One Call has named Nicholas (Nick) Mendez as chief executive officer, effective next month.
  • Mendez was most recently chairman and CEO of Innovative Renal Care. He will also join the board of directors of privately held One Call.
  • Departing CEO Jay Krueger will support the company through the end of June 2025, according to a statement.