Alabama SIF Sues General Reinsurance Over Audit
- The Alabama Self Insured Workers Compensation Fund has sued General Reinsurance Corp. demanding its contribution toward $50,000 the fund paid to resolve a workers’ compensation claim, arguing that the reinsurer has attempted to conduct an after-the-fact audit which is not permitted under the reinsurance contract.
- In a Dec. 16 complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama, the Alabama fund claimed General Reinsurance acted in bad faith by delaying payment of the reinsurance claim and making unreasonable demands for supporting documentation.
Texas DWC Webinar to Cover 2025 Reimbursement Rates
- The Texas Division of Workers’ Compensation has scheduled a webinar later this month covering 2025’s conversion factors for non-network professional services, both in office and professional services provided to injured employees while in a facility.
- The session will also provide the maximum medical improvement, impairment rating, and similar exams reimbursement rates for 2025 based on the Medicare Economic Index (MEI).
- Healthcare practitioners, designated doctors, requirement medical exam doctors, other certifying doctors and medical billing staff are encouraged to participate in the Jan. 25 program.
SFM CEO Terry Miller to Lead AASCIF
- SFM CEO Terry Miller has been named to be the next president of the American Association of State Compensation Insurance Funds (AASCIF).
- He begins his two-year term as president starting this month.
- AASCIF is an association of workers’ compensation insurance companies from 26 different states, plus eight work comp boards in Canada.